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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Airport View

View beberapa Bandara kecil di Indonesia, seperti Bandara Binaka di Pulau Nias - SUmatera Utara seperti dalam image dibawah diphoto pada April 2006- dari pesawat Merpati airline CN-235, runway bandara Binaka hanya bisa dioperasikan dari satu arah saja (dari R/W 27 sebelah timur), karena diarah satunya terdapat obstacle bukit yang cukup tinggi.  Dengan panjang R/W 1.650m pada tahun 2007, sudah bisa didarati pesawat dengan jenis Fokker-50, DASH-7, ATR-72 dan C-130 dengan beban terbatas.  


Cut Nyak Dhien Airport - Meulaboh - West Aceh- Indonesia

View of Cut Nyak Dhien Runway from the Helicopter during approach for Landing. This airport was renovated after the Tsunami desaster at December 2004. As shown on the picture, the runway is so closed to the beach line about 400m. Through the program of BRR NAD-Nias (Government Agency for rehabilitation and reconstruction) all infrastructure in Aceh that damage or destroyed by tsunami. The runway has been extended become length 1800m in 2007. Runway designation 15 - 33, elevation is 3 m above sea level, runway width is 30 m, pave by asphalt concrete.

Lasikin Airport - Simelue Island - Aceh - Indonesia

The Lasikin Runway as shown on the above picture (Jan-2007) has one obstacle at the end of R/W 25 is the existing hill. Runway dimension is 1400 m x 30 m, can operate the aircraft type Fokker-50 and ATR -42. So this runway shoukd operate for landing and take-off from one direction only, except the hill has been cut up to under the approach slope.

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